Dry Needling the knee joint can bring instantaneous pain relief.

This method can expedite improvement in chronic musculoskeletal problems

Dry Needling Certificate Courses
Dry Needling training is offered to suitably qualified Health Care Practitioners.
Generally a Diploma in a Health Industry Field is sufficient to attend this course.
The training is offered in 2 levels.
The requirement of 100 hours of face to face training includes a component of supervised clinical practice which is to completed prior to the granting of certification.
The course materials were developed by Thomas Ebejer, the College Principal. Thomas has been a registered acupuncturist for 23 years and offers a great deal of practical knowledge to his students through these seminars.
Level 1 Training includes :
OH&S Industry requirements
Needle application, retention, removal and dispensation
Trigger Point locating and Dry needling techniques
Treating common Musculoskeletal disorders including:
Tennis and Golfer's Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder
Knee disorders
Hip Disorders and Sciatica
Level 2 Training includes:
Neck disorders
Trapezius tension
Treating the back safely
Treating the Sacrum
Treating the intercostals
Electro Dry Needling
Each level of training attracts 20 CPE/CPD points with ATMS,ANTA, CMASA and AAMT and graduates can obtain
Mal-Practice Insurance .
Dry Needling Training Dates 2025
Feb 6-7 Lismore (Richmond Hill)
​May 15-16 Lismore (Richmond Hill)
Aug 21-22 Lismore (Richmond Hill)
Cost $750/level . Total cost $1,500

By participating in the Dry Needling Level 1 and 2 courses through ACEM - I now have the complete confidence to use this modality in my manual therapy treatment. This is thanks to the small group setting, individual care and the high knowledge of acupuncture and dry needling that Tom has. Hands down the best course I have attended, and would recommend it to anyone wanting to get an edge on treating musculoskeletal problems through the lense of Eastern and Western approaches to needling. Julian CASEY (pictured)